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This fund is held at the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia, a public foundation and registered charity. Annual proceeds from the fund are given to the St. Margaret's Bay Stewardship Association to preserve and enhance the Bay's natural environment, it heritage and quality of life.


The St. Margaret's Bay Stewardship Association relies on generous donations and member fees or its annual budget. Our yearly core budget is approximately $3,000 and any funds beyond that allow us to extend our reach. We are volunteer driven and appreciate donations of both time and financial resources. Donations are tax deductible.

 If you appreciate the efforts of the Association, please make a donation today.

Thank you to our donors!


234662 NS Ltd

3207312 Nova Scotia Ltd.

Michelle Adams

Barbara Allen

John & Eliz Anderson

Louise Ardenne

Aspotogan Heritage Trust

Rebecca Babcock

Alexi Baccardax

Hugh & Linda Barrett

William Bean

Shirley Blair

David Bond

Boutiliers Lawn and Garden

Jane Britten & Jason Brown

Jane Bureau

Dr. John Butt

Don & Joan Carey

Robert & Jane Chambers

Pat & Bev Charlton

Gwen Christie

Chrysalis Strategies

Eileen Cody

Elizabeth Cooper

Cathy Costanzo

Owen & Kathleen Crassweller

Credit Union Atlantic

Robert Creighton

Ron Crocker & Sheila Fitzpatrick

Catherine Crouse

Mike & Jean Crowell

John Currie

Nancy Dadalt

Davena Davis

Alex Day

Sherree DeWolfe

NS Dept of Natural Resources

Lawrence & Elise Doane

Susan Douglas

Anne Dunsworth

Barbara Edwards

James Edwards

Terry Edwards

Tim Edwards

Environment Canada

Robert Erkamp & Conni Massing

Clark Everett

Edith & Mike Ewald

James & Karen Farquhar

Paul Fesko

Alan Fine

Denis Flinn

Neil Forrest

Fred Fountain

Marjorie Fountain

Bradly Gifford & Margaret Mardirossian

David & Dinah Grace

James & Roxann Grant

Diane Greenough

William & Kathy Greenwood

Rudy Haase

Halifax Commercial Park

John & Brenda Hartley

Tam Hill

Seamus & Caroline Horstead


Larry Horwitz & Karen Rowantree

Halifax Regional Municipality

Donna Harding

John Hartley

Shari Johnson

Allison King

Sheila Keating & Gary Ruitenberg

Ken & Caroline Hubbard

Sarah & Amanda Hubbard

Murray Hutt

Helen Hyndman

Barbara Jannasch

Christine Jannasch

Rupert Jannasch

Bonnie & Barry Jesso

Michael Kendrick

Catherine King

Lee & Patricia Kirby

Alina Kirsanova

Andree LaChance

Patricia Lade

Rene Lavois

Mary Ann Law James & Pamela Lawson

Geoff LeBoutillier

John Leon

David Lewis

Eleanor Lindsay

Marjorie Lindsay

Lunenburg Academy

Mary Macaulay

John MacDonald & Marilyn Sapelak

Ron MacInnis

Susan & Keith MacRae

Yvon Madore

Vincent & Sheila Maessen

Penny Margolis

Marid Industries

Masonic Foundation of NS

John Matthews

John McCracken

Robert McDonald

Beth McGee

Dana McGee

Sue & Peter McGegor

John McKibbin

Mathew & Joan McKinnon

Alex & Sheilagh McQuinn

Ella McQuinn & Lorne Vaasjo

Joan McQuinn

John McQuinn

Robert McQuinn

Dan McQuinn

McQuinn Investments

David Millar

Katherine & Richard Miller

Ruth Ann Moger

Greg, Chris & Stephen Moore

Sydney Moore

Peter & Carol Moreira

Petra Mudie

Jody Myers

David Nauss

N.S. Sea School

Net Impact

Beth Newman

Diana Norman

Frank & Shirley Norman

North Sails

Janet O'Brien


Connie Oulton

Reta Mae Palmer

Karen Parker

Steven Parker

Jon Patterson & Sheila King

Colin Paul

Heather Pelton

Leah Pelton

Scott Pelton

Vernon Pelton

Collette & Bernard Perey

H. S. Petersen

Quality Investments

Jeff & Kori Quinn

Reinforced Plastic Systems

Carol Richardson

Ernest & Eileen Richmond

Susan & Keith Ritcey

David Ritcey

Pat & Scott Robertson

James & Jane Robson

Grayce Rogers

Sally Ross

Rum Hollow Seaside B&B

Sage Holdings Limited

Elizabeth & Jack Salton

Saltscapes Magazine

Fred & Judith Sanford

Cathy Sapp


Tony & Cathy Sedfawi

Iris Shea

Suzanne Sheaves

Sherebrooke Investments

St. Margaret's Bay Regional Tourist and Development Association

Graham Smith

Dixie Smith-Camp

Stephen Snobelen

Dusan Soudek

Southern Builders Ltd

Robert Stailing

Leslie Stephen

Crane Stookey

Kathryn Thompson

United Way

Karl & Shelley Webb

Wednesday AM Coffee Club

Wilcraft Concrete

Rick Williams

Alan Wilson

David Wilson

Karen Woolhouse

Wyman and Kelly Corporation

Robert Ziegler

Chris Zimmer

In memory of Sandra Wells

In memory of Vicky Shepherd

In memory of Lester Smith

In memory of Lyell Cook

In memory of Catherine Kingdon

In memory of Alice Short

In memory of Marilou Levangie